os cloud gurus
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If you use Git Submodules in your Project you won't be able to use this in CodePipeline out of
the box,
meaning using the Source Step as for a simple Git Project.
There are some additional steps required, this tutorial will show you how to proceed.
Your Main Github Project will remain the Source of your Pipeline ( probably defined as Source
Step in your Pipeline)
For the Git Sub-Module you will have to add a CodeBuild Project and a Buildspec Yaml.
If you setup your project manually on the UI, you would have to create a CodeBuild project
and insert the build commands ( to a new Builspec Yaml)
This Buildspec Yaml would be look like This
version: 0.2
python: 3.9
- git remote add github https://path_to_main_repo.git
- git fetch github
- git branch
- git checkout -f github/main
- git submodule init
- git submodule update --recursive
- python3.9
Since we are using CDK to deploy our pipeline ( of course !) we will make the changes in our cdk
Our Synth Step - and actually each step which will need the git submodule files, meaning for
example an integration test step needs
this file will also need this change - will get an additional optional parameter:
which can be added for example after the input parameter
synth_step = pipelines.CodeBuildStep(
Since we might need to add this CodeBuild Project for more Steps in our project we will not add
the code inline here,
but rather create a own method to be able to call this code each time a step needs the
def get_source_buildspec(self):
build_spec = aws_codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object(
"version": "0.2",
"phases": {
"install": {
"runtime-versions": {"python": "3.9"},
"commands": [
"git init",
"git remote add github
"git fetch github",
"git branch",
"git checkout -f github/main",
"git status",
"git submodule init",
"git submodule update",
"build": {"commands": ["your optional commands"]},
return build_spec
Now your CodeBuild Steps will checkout the git submodule and you can use the files for whatever
you want to do
cdk synth, call tests, etc
Have fun !
AWS Architect & Developer
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1 x Azure Certified
A Cloud Guru Instructor
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Passionate surfer & guitar player